Statement of Policy and Program

(Revised July 2020, subject to revision) 

Requests & Policy

 In order to protect the piano and other technology, please do not bring food, drinks, or gum into the studio.   I ask that hands be washed before using the pianos or media/technology.   Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled lesson time to wash hands and have your books out and ready for your lesson.

Tuition and Fees

 35 minute lesson =  $48 monthly 

45 minute lesson = $86 monthly

 60 minute lesson = $120 monthly 


Tuition is due on the 1st of each month in advance of lessons.  The average is 4 lessons per month, though some months may have 5.  I schedule group lessons the week of Thanksgiving to offer an opportunity for a lesson that week, the week of Christmas is taken off.   Lessons last according to time scheduled and with the entire time spent privately at the piano. 

 Tuition is  flat rate, charged by the month and are not lowered or refunded for missed lessons.   For your convenience, tuition and fees may be received via cash or Paypal. 

 Annual registration fee:  $25 due by September 1.  This fee helps to cover extras involved aside from tuition, such as copying, office and teaching supplies, incentives, recitals, awards, and etc.  It doesn’t pay for everything, but it sure helps.  Festival and competition fees are separate.  

Although I love to teach, this is not just a hobby, it is my job.  Like you, I have bills that are due on the first of the month that I rely on my piano income to cover.  Understand - What you are paying for is a reserved time each week for a lesson and when you miss, I cannot bring in a student to take that spot for that week.  

Lesson Books & Materials

A list of required books will be given to the student and it is expected that they will be brought to the first lesson.   If I’m able to purchase the books at a discount for you and pick them up, I’m happy to do that if you would pay ahead of time with cash or PayPal.  We can discuss this on your scheduled enrollment date. 

Missed Lessons & Holidays

 There are 52 weeks in the year.  My studio is closed for 4 weeks throughout the year leaving a total of 48 weeks.  I have divided those weeks into 12 equal monthly payments, and the only times you will see an adjustment in tuition is if I cancel your lesson.  Occasionally I may need to reschedule so I will make every attempt to reschedule when you need to, but sometimes this is just not possible.  I do make every possible effort to make up lessons for a sick child, but sometimes this doesn’t work with scheduling and you may be charged for missed lessons.  

 If you know that you will need to miss a lesson, please notify me as far in advance as possible and I’ll try to arrange for you to trade a time slot with another student.  Makeup lessons will be 30 minutes private at the piano only, no theory games.  If you are going to be gone for a week or it doesn’t work to trade with another student, you will be invited to make up the lesson on a Saturday morning if you wish to do so.   I will hold one Saturday morning makeup session a month during the school year.  You will need to arrange a time for me for this.  These makeup lessons will be 20-30 minutes long, depending on your child’s level and preparedness as well as on however many others are requiring a makeup lesson that same day.  Makeup lessons will not be available to last minute cancellations or forgotten lessons. Also, please don’t arrange for a makeup lesson if the student has not practiced and is unprepared. 

 The studio will be closed for Spring Break, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving day and Christmas break.  I schedule based on local school calendars and to stay apprised of school schedules/activities when planning. 

 Piano lessons continue as usual during the summer months. If a student will be out of town at any time during the summer, please make notification as soon as is possible for my scheduling. In addition to regular summer lessons, I offer some group or semi-private lessons that are discounted and I teach a variety of ideas, some of which require no practicing, offering the student a break from the ordinary.  There are options for Summer months but a discount in tuition is given when I have a student throughout the year.          

 It is highly recommended that students remain consistent in their attendance through the summer months so they do not lose ground.  Progress is proven to increase when students take spring and summer lessons.  

Termination of lessons:   I will continue to teach as long as the student progresses.  If the student fails to be prepared or practice as initially agreed upon, I may decline to continue their lessons.  If at any time you wish to (or need to) terminate lessons, a 30 day written notice of intent to terminate is expected, so please plan in advance.  I would be sad to see you go but understand life, situations and goals change. 

Practice and Parental Support

Regular practice is a requirement for all students!  Consistent progress and enjoyment of the piano lesson experience only come with sufficient scheduled practice time.  For younger beginning students (<10 years of age) 20-30 minutes at the piano 5 times a week is sufficient, in addition to any time spent on piano media app games they may use. For older students 60 minutes at least 5 days a week is required.  

 Occasionally something comes up where a student cannot practice very much during the week, that is perfectly understandable.  However, if a student fails to meet the required practice time for 2 weeks in a row, the lesson may be spent as a practice session.  To be successful at taking piano lessons, the student has to put in consistent practicing. 

 A student who comes unprepared doesn’t feel good about themselves, or lessons, and too many weeks like that starts to affect their self-esteem, not to mention their enthusiasm for piano.  I find that students who make practicing a part of their daily routine do’t go through nearly as many of those difficult days at the piano.  When students practice consistently and effectively, they actually enjoy piano lessons and that makes it easier on students, parents and myself.          

Providing support as a parent is an extremely important factor in the training of music with children. Parents are expected to take responsibility to ensure their children practice daily.  If a child is a beginner, it is recommended that parents participate in practice time, providing encouragement and positive reinforcement for efforts made in learning and progress.  

 Most children will need to be told when to practice.

 Also - please let me know if there is something that is bothering your child, or interfering with their practicing or progress.  If there is a special concern or situation going on, I would want to be made aware so I don’t unnecessarily make the situation worse by nagging them about not practicing.  My number one concern for them is that they feel good about themselves and know that I value them for who they are, not for how much they practiced during the week. 

Helpful practice hints for all ages:

I cannot stress enough the importance of the student having their first practice session within 24 hours of the lesson.   They remember more of what I have told and shown them and come back better prepared.   

Choosing a time of day the student has the most focus is usually best for studying, learning and retention, and scheduled time for practice sets a routine for the student to go by.  

(For children: Involving the student in that initial process of choice may help them stay committed and feel they have a say in that decision and serves as a reminder of that decision.)

 Practice tips for younger children: 

 - Having a chore list of daily tasks, including piano practice, may be helpful.   

 - Offering consistent opportunities for a favorite extracurricular activity each day after piano practice is completed may also provide incentives for children and youth to practice at their scheduled time without being reminded, depending on age.

I look forward to the opportunity to meet and teach you!   I feel teaching is a sacred trust and I do my best to help foster each students‘ growth as well as their self esteem.